If you are currently facing a personnel shortage or looking for a very specific person to fill a certain position within your company, contacting us will be the key to your perfect solution. With our outstanding network of international experts no vacancy will be for long. We make the impossible possible by finding exactly who you are looking for, wherever and whenever demand arises.
The professional background of our network and our extraordinary experience in the industry qualify us to take care of your personnel needs. We understand the importance of an up-to-date operation which enables us to ensure an excellent recruitment process. Taking various aviation requirements like licenses, medicals or training records into consideration is inevitable and exactly what we do.

We know that the right crew is not always right around the corner. So why not leave the hard part of searching, comparing, checking, questioning, screening and assessing with us?
Every suggested nominee would be a perfect fit and the only thing left for you is to find out if you could cooperate with the candidate on an interpersonal level.